Thursday 12 February 2009

Test Footage

The following videos show our test footage taken around the college, this would benefit us when it comes to filming our real shots so that we don't waste time deciding the frames of the shots. We figured the best positions and distances between the actors and recording equipment and mapped them out so we could take them to the filming location. (The shots are finding positions not showing the quality of the acting so please ignore any laughter). We have slowed each shot down to 70% so we can find any problems with the filming.

Firstly, we have the eye-level full shot.
This shot is disadvantaged by the movement in the camera

Next, is the second attempt at the eye-level full shot.
This shot is disadvantaged by the character showing his feet at the beginning of the footage.
In order to match the research into full shots, the camera would need to hide the actors feet and let his head touch the top of the shot.

The following shots attempt to show characters reactions to the lead male.
In each shot the characters must be absorbed by the main character by following his movement with their eyes and face. However, we needed to use test footage to decide the distance between the camera and the lead male. We want to show him walking past without revealing too much of his looks.
This first shot has a slight distorted angle, as shown in the research, but we feel the lead male is too far away from the camera and reveals too much which doesn't match our specification; (walking past without revealing too much of his looks).

Other than the slight jolt in this footage, we feel comfortable with this layout in camera and actors.

This footage doesn't display enough movement in the characters face and eyes, we want to emphasize the importance of our lead male by showing that people stop what they're doing to watch him come into the location.

This final shot shows the reactions of characters without seeing the lead male walking past. We feel this isn't as effect as the other shots.

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