Thursday 12 March 2009


Monday 9 March 2009


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Compare and contrast your own sequence and one which you think has generically influenced you.

Our main influence for our opening sequence was 'Mean Girls' as we thought that our chosen genre, teen romcom, investigate the stereotypes within teenagers.

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Mean Boys

Here is our finished product 'Mean Boys'

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Thursday 5 March 2009

Rough Cut Feedback

Today our rough cut was evaluated by other members of our media group, they made notes on mise en scene, camera work, editing, sound and generic conventionss. From these notes we were able to see our strong points and areas where we needed to improve.

Good points:
For mise en scene other groups said that the costumes are appropriate for the location, and the location is appropriate for the genre. In camera work they said we used a good variety of shots and good close up of 'Hugo's' shoes. In editing we used a good use of slow motion, the shots were cut down well timewise. Our music was liked. And finally our comment on the generic conventions was 'the genre is chick flick this is communicated as it;s a college set and it's about one person and everyone is talking about him'

Areas of improvement:
In outr mise en scene it was noted that most of our shots were quite dull and plain and need to be made lighter, we are currently working on this. Our camera work could have had a wider shot range. In editing other groups said that it's needs to be longer overall as it is under 1 minute, the shots needs to be in better order and transitions between shots would work well. In sound we need to make the non diagetic sound quieter as it drowns the actors voices out.

What we're going to do in the next 2 lessons to improve our opening:
  • Make the lighting lighter
  • Add some transitions between shots
  • Re-order our shots
  • Turn down our non diagetic sound
  • Add titles


Monday 2 March 2009

Rough cut

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