1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Compare and contrast your own sequence and one which you think has generically influenced you.
Labels: Emily Tofts, Shaun Kaba, steve dickens
Here is our finished product 'Mean Boys'
Labels: Emily Tofts, George Baglin, Shaun Kaba, steve dickens
Today our rough cut was evaluated by other members of our media group, they made notes on mise en scene, camera work, editing, sound and generic conventionss. From these notes we were able to see our strong points and areas where we needed to improve.
Labels: Emily Tofts
Director/producer:role shared throughout group.
Labels: Shaun Kaba
High School Musical is a musical which is aimed at young children, mainly girls up to teens. There are three of the movies and have become a worldwide success. It is based around two protagonists 'Gabriella' and 'Troy' and shows how they meet and develop a relationship. I will be analyzing the micro-elements which are present in the opening sequence e.g. mise en scene, sound, editing and camera work.
Labels: Emily Tofts
Labels: steve dickens
Romantic comedy films, colloquially known as romcom, are movies with light hearted, humorous postlines, centered on romantic ideals such as a true love able to surmount most obstacles. Romantic comedy films are a sub-genre of comedy films as well as of romance films. Because of their appeal to women, romantic comedies are sometimes called 'chick flick'
Labels: Emily Tofts
The following videos show our test footage taken around the college, this would benefit us when it comes to filming our real shots so that we don't waste time deciding the frames of the shots. We figured the best positions and distances between the actors and recording equipment and mapped them out so we could take them to the filming location. (The shots are finding positions not showing the quality of the acting so please ignore any laughter). We have slowed each shot down to 70% so we can find any problems with the filming.
Labels: George Baglin, steve dickens
Unfortunately, using photoshop for our production company logo wasn't possible because we were not able to make our logo either sparkle, or diamond covered, and as the inspiration for our logo is the Sex & The City film logo we knew that without these elements our logo could end up looking messy and unprofessional. Thankfully "'s" photo editing offered sparkly lettering, so I made our logo on there. We decided to call our production company 'SSGE PRODUCTIONS', because we all wanted to make our mark on the piece of work, and we felt the best way of doing this equally was to take the first letter from each of our first names (Shaun, Stephen, George & Emily) for a simple, and yet affective company name. Here is my first attempt a our logo;
Labels: Shaun Kaba
week comencing:9th february
Labels: steve dickens
Labels: George Baglin
As we have decided to make chick flick we decided that the Sex & The City Film logo style would be suitable to make ours in. This is because our film opening is going to very girly and very stereotypically feminine and coated in all thing female, from fine jewelery, diamonds to boys, to shopping. This is much like the opening sequence to Sex & The Cityand there film logo is pink and covered in diamonds, so we believe this to be a good inspiration for our opening.
Labels: Shaun Kaba
Your blog is looking very good, you have included a lot of detailed research about the five scenarios and the blog does communicate your initial ideas.
Labels: Andrea
Our groups film opening is using generic conventions from mean girls and high school musical. In both films the story revolves around the most popular person or group in the high school. Character are built buy popularity, social gr3oups and the opinions of the other pupils in the school. also in both films there are different groups of people that eventually come together in the end.
Labels: George Baglin
Labels: steve dickens
1. A supernatural thriller with a strong female lead.
Labels: Emily Tofts
Labels: George Baglin